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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Lots of high and low achieving charters

Lots of high and low achieving charters

  • 02-24-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess

California has an abundance of charter schools at polar opposites ­ – those exceeding and those underperforming expectations, according to an extensive performance analysis by the California Charter Schools Association.  The most successful charters predominately serve low-income, minority children, and this segment of charter schools is growing, while a sizable number of the lowest achieving charters appear to be smaller, independent study, non-classroom based schools. With the report, A Portrait of the Movement, Association fulfills a commitment to  “hold up a mirror” and “embolden schools to look unblinkingly at their record of performance.” A number of previous studies of charter schools have found that on average they don’t outperform district schools. The Association’s two-year research revealed a more complex , “U shaped”  picture, with more charters outperforming and underperforming  district schools with similar student demographics. (more...)

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