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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Money, policy entangled in Wisconsin labor dispute

Money, policy entangled in Wisconsin labor dispute

  • 02-25-2011
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By Sean Cavanagh/Education Week

Gov. Scott Walker’s sweeping proposal to scale back collective bargaining rights for most public employees in Wisconsin has sparked a rancorous standoff with teachers across the state—and fueled speculation about whether similar plans will gain traction in other parts of the country. But as massive demonstrations played out in Madison—an estimated 70,000 protesters came to the state Capitol one day this week—local school officials were questioning one of the core arguments behind the governor’s proposal: that it will help cash-strapped districts financially in the years ahead. And while some district officials have voiced support for modifying collective bargaining arrangements, they fear the governor’s plans could create lasting discord in school systems where relations between teachers and administrators have been relatively harmonious. (more...)

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