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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Obama makes pitch for his education and high-tech agenda

Obama makes pitch for his education and high-tech agenda

  • 02-22-2011
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By Mark Z. Barabak/Los Angeles Times

President Obama paid a quick West Coast sales call for his education and high-tech agenda, dining with industry royalty at a private meeting in Silicon Valley before touring a state-of-the-art semiconductor plant in Oregon. After visiting with a group of science fair students and peering at the image of atoms seen through an electron magnoscope, Obama renewed the theme sounded in his State of the Union address, with a nod toward his recent focus on deficit reduction."Even as we have to live within our means, we can't sacrifice investments in our future," Obama told several hundred guests and employees gathered at Intel Corp.'s suburban Portland, Ore., campus Friday. (more...)

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