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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Obama proposes modest hike in education spending for FY 2012

Obama proposes modest hike in education spending for FY 2012

  • 02-14-2011
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By Alyson Klein/Education Week

The Obama administration just released its spending proposal for fiscal year 2012, which begins Oct. 1. And once again, education is a bright spot in an otherwise tight budget year. The Obama administration is keeping domestic discretionary spending level, but it is asking $77.4 billion in education funding, including $49 billion excluding Pell Grants, for fiscal year 2012. That's a roughly 4 percent increase in non-Pell discretionary funding over fiscal year 2010, the most recent budget enacted.  The proposal comes on the heels of a proposal by House Republicans that would make deep cuts to the department's fiscal year 2011 budget. The modest boost the administration is seeking for fiscal year 2012 would include small increases to the two programs distributed by formula to just about every district in the country. (more...)


Also: Washington Post

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