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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 President's education plan another early test for political civility

President's education plan another early test for political civility

  • 02-07-2011
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By Christi Parsons and Lisa Mascaro/Los Angeles Times

President Obama and Republican leaders are moving toward a possible compromise on education reform, spurred by widespread dissatisfaction with the George W. Bush administration's No Child Left Behind Act. The 9-year-old act imposes controversial testing requirements to govern how much federal aid flows to a school district. Republicans object to the act's prominent federal role. Democrats say the testing overloads the school day and is an unfair way to judge teachers, one of the party's principal interest groups. Both sides are alarmed at reviews that showed 30% of schools making unsatisfactory progress last year, a figure that could jump to 80% this year under the act's criteria. (more...)

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