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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Report gives a majority of states poor grades on history standards

Report gives a majority of states poor grades on history standards

  • 02-17-2011
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By Michelle D. Anderson/Education Week

A majority of states received failing or near-failing grades on the quality of their standards for teaching history in K-12 schools, according to the latest review from the Washington-based Thomas B. Fordham Institute.  In “The State of State U.S. History Standards 2011,” the research and advocacy group says the average grade across all states was barely a D. The majority—28 states—received scores of D or lower and only one state, South Carolina, earned a straight-A score. “If students are not going to get the history in K-12, they’re not going to get it at all,” said Sheldon M. Stern, a historian formerly with the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston and one of the study’s co-authors. (more...)


Also: USA Today

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