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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Rhee’s new campaign is not about the kids

Rhee’s new campaign is not about the kids

  • 02-24-2011
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Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post

Former D.C. Chancellor Michelle Rhee likes to say that everything she does is for kids. But the first big campaign of her “Students First” organization, announced Wednesday, isn't really about them. Rhee announced today what she is calling the national Save Great Teachers campaign. What it’s not about: Giving great teachers what they say they want -- more support to do their jobs in school. What it is about: Getting state legislatures to eliminate policies that require school districts, in the event of layoffs, to let the last-hired employees go first. This way, principals can supposedly save great young teachers and get rid of lousy older teachers. Rhee’s intentions become transparent when one considers how to really protect great teachers: a reliable, valid, multi-part assessment system. If Rhee were so concerned about saving great teachers of any age, she would be more interested in immediately pursuing a valid assessment tool. (more...)

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