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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Role for teachers is seen in solving schools’ crises

Role for teachers is seen in solving schools’ crises

  • 02-16-2011
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By Sam Dillon/New York Times

Secretary of Education Arne Duncan, convening a two-day labor-management conference here on Tuesday, argued that teachers’ unions can help solve many of the challenges facing public schools.

But as the conference opened, that view was under challenge in a number of state capitals.

Republicans in several states have proposed legislation in recent weeks that would bar teachers’ unions from all policy discussions, except when the time comes to negotiate compensation. In Tennessee and Wisconsin, Republicans have proposed stripping teachers’ unions of collective bargaining rights altogether. Education historians said the unions were facing the harshest political climate since states began extending legal bargaining rights to schoolteachers decades ago. (more...)


Also: NPR

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