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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 S.D. teachers, others protest to save jobs

S.D. teachers, others protest to save jobs

  • 02-23-2011
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By Hailey Persinger/San Diego Union-Tribune

Teachers, counselors and nurses packed San Diego Unified School Distinct headquarters Tuesday with hopes of persuading trustees not to cut their jobs from next year’s budget. The district released a list of more than 900 possible layoffs last week that included the dismissal of 495 elementary school teachers, 38 special education teachers and 59 school counselors. Also on the list are 83 middle- and high school English teachers and more than 40 school nurses. A group of nearly 300 sought to put faces on those numbers Tuesday evening. (more...)


Also: More news on budget cuts at district level: Stockton Record, Orange County Register, Lodi News-Sentinel

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