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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 San Diego stuck state with schools' big bill

San Diego stuck state with schools' big bill

  • 02-11-2011
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By Liam Dillon/Voice of San Diego

San Diego officials faced a choice the night they pushed a billion-dollar bill they'd been secretly working on for months through California's legislature. Should San Diego grab all the money it could for downtown, with dreams of thousands of new jobs, an expanded Convention Center and a new professional football stadium? Or should San Diego use some of its coming spoils to help the state keep city schools in one piece? San Diego chose downtown. That decision provided an extra windfall for downtown redevelopment. But it stuck the state with a big tab — by one estimate, hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The choice, made in the hours before the state passed its budget in October, epitomizes the conflict central to new Gov. Jerry Brown's proposal to eliminate redevelopment agencies statewide. (more...)

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