Schools boost efforts to ID fake student addresses
By Kantele Franko/San Jose Mercury News
Kelley Williams-Bolar, alarmed after her home was broken into, yanked her two daughters out of their urban Akron, Ohio, schools and enrolled them in her father's suburban school district nearby, using his address. That way, said the single mom and teacher's aide, they could come to a safer home after school. Her peace of mind proved costly. Officials in the Copley-Fairlawn district challenged the residency of her girls in 2007, when they were 9 and 13 years old. Williams-Bolar was charged and convicted of felony records tampering. Not only was she jailed last month for nine days, but the conviction threatens her efforts to earn a teacher's license and could jeopardize her job as a teacher's aide. She plans to appeal. Her case has become a rallying point for advocates of school choice and it has outraged residents in her northeast Ohio community—some because of her dishonesty, others for the severity of her prosecution. (more...)