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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Schools facing cuts if lunches aren’t paid for

Schools facing cuts if lunches aren’t paid for

  • 02-09-2011
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By Fernanda Santos/New York Times

Of the 2,200 students at Intermediate School 61 in Corona, Queens, 86 percent receive free cafeteria lunches. Some others pay a reduced price, and some are supposed to pay full price. But not all of their parents pay what they are supposed to, and recently, the school’s principal, Joseph Lisa, has been spending a lot of time trying to collect money from them. He has cornered them in the hallways. He has offered them gentle reminders after school meetings. He has called them and sent them letters suggesting payment plans for debts that might amount to $20 or $30. (more...)

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