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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Schools need the special election

Schools need the special election

  • 02-18-2011
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By Lisa Schiff/California Progress Report

California’s Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO) just did our state’s public schools the biggest favor or paved the way for a new level of austerity. In a move that will hopefully shock the legislature and the electorate, the LAO responded to a request by San Francisco’s own State Senator Mark Leno to provide a set of “illustrative” cuts to enact should Governor Brown’s proposal to extend current taxes fail. Needless to say, the proposal isn’t pretty. The LAO report, published on the Sacramento Bee’s website, is notable not only for the targeted deep cuts it suggests, but for the qualifying language introducing the possibilities. Clearly, identifying reductions totaling the $13.5 billion that would take the place of tax revenue was an uncomfortable task. Stated in their own words: (more...)

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