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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 State Board of Education puts the brakes on parent-trigger law

State Board of Education puts the brakes on parent-trigger law

  • 02-10-2011
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By Teresa Watanabe/Los Angeles Times

The state Board of Education, in its first full meeting with a majority of members appointed by Gov. Jerry Brown, moved Wednesday to put the brakes on a landmark law that gives parents the right to force major reforms at low-performing schools. The board took no action on proposed regulations to implement the law but instead will set up a working group to help determine the procedures. The panel will include those who had complained that the previous board was rushing the process without sufficiently considering their input. The board will reconsider the issue in March. (more...)

Also: Fresno Bee, Educated Guess

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