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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 States making swift progress on student-data systems, report finds

States making swift progress on student-data systems, report finds

  • 02-16-2011
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By Sarah D. Sparks/Education Week

After a big influx of money from the federal economic-stimulus law, states have made “unprecedented progress” in building the technology needed to collect statewide data on students’ academic progress from year to year, according to the latest report on a project that promotes the use of such data. Yet it still will take a political push to ensure all states have fully operational student-data systems by September. The Data Quality Campaign, a Washington-based nonprofit group that promotes and tracks the use of education data in policymaking, released Wednesday its sixth annual report on state data systems. The report says nearly half the states now have systems that meet what the campaign deems the 10 critical elements for collecting longitudinal data on individual students and teachers from kindergarten through college and career. (more...)

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