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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Stimulus misuse: 514 complaints to inspector general

Stimulus misuse: 514 complaints to inspector general

  • 02-03-2011
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Blog by Michele McNeil/Education Week

Two years ago this month Congress passed the economic stimulus package, infusing the nation's schools with an additional $100 billion and providing an endless source of intrigue for us @ Politics K-12. While it may seem like a lot of the stimulus fun is over—you know, Race to the Top awards have been handed out, people are coming to grips with the four turnaround models—I think the fun (if you can call it that) is just beginning. And that's because we need to start asking: Where did all of that money go? In my quest to start answering that, I asked the good folks at the U.S. Department of Education's Office of the Inspector General a bunch of questions, and came upon these interesting reports. They detail how many complaints of stimulus misuse have been filed with the OIG, and what generally happened to them. (You have to really hunt for this data though. If you open one of the spreadsheets, it's under the "work products" tab.) The upshot: A lot of people have complained about stimulus problems, but very few of the complaints amounted to anything. (more...)

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