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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Study finds social-skills teaching boosts academics

Study finds social-skills teaching boosts academics

  • 02-04-2011
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By Sarah D. Sparks/Education Week

From role-playing games for students to parent seminars, teaching social and emotional learning requires a lot of moving parts, but when all the pieces come together such instruction can rival the effectiveness of purely academic interventions to boost student achievement, according to the largest analysis of such programs to date. In the report published today in the peer-reviewed journal Child Development, researchers led by Joseph A. Durlak, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Chicago, found that students who took part in social and emotional learning, or SEL, programs improved in grades and standardized-test scores by 11 percentile points compared with nonparticipating students. (more...)

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