Texas may reopen social studies standards for rewrite
Blog by Valerie Strauss/Washington Post
Sharp criticism by a conservative think tank of Texas’s new social studies standards has sparked new debate over the controversial issue and may lead to a rewriting of the standards. The Texas standards earned a “D” in a state-by-state review of history curriculum standards by the conservative non-profit Thomas B. Fordham Institute. Texas was one of 28 states that received a "D" or "F" for their history standards; the average grade across the states was a D. Top scorers were South Carolina, Alabama, California, Indiana, Massachusetts, New York and the District of Columbia (which was included as a state even though it isn’t). The adoption of the social standards standards was a long hotly debated process in which members of the state’s Board of Education made, as the Fordham review said, “no secret of their evangelical Christian-right agenda, promising to inculcate biblical principles, patriotic values, and American exceptionalism.” (more...)