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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 That plan to close half of Detroit's schools? It's really happening

That plan to close half of Detroit's schools? It's really happening

  • 02-23-2011
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By Liz Dwyer/Good

Eminem's acclaimed Super Bowl advertisement for Chrysler told the world that despite what you've heard, Detroit is making a comeback. Tell that to the city's children, because the State of Michigan has sounded the death knell for Detroit Public Schools. DPS's Emergency Financial Manager (EFM), Robert Bobb, has received approval for his plan to shut down half of the city's public schools over the next two years, raising remaining school class sizes to 60 students. The decision could be the tipping point that pushes Michigan into Wisconsin-style protesting. Bobb's solution addresses a $327 million budget deficit and will reduce the current 142 schools in the district down to 72 by the 2012-13 school year. (more...)

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