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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Tom Friedman: 'Sputnik moment' intentionally exaggerated

Tom Friedman: 'Sputnik moment' intentionally exaggerated

  • 02-02-2011
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By Ben Arnoldy/Christian Science Monitor

Are American leaders purposely overplaying the Chinese competitive threat with references to Sputnik? President Obama said in his State of the Union address that the country faces a “Sputnik moment,” one that calls for a major research investment in next generation technologies. Sputnik evokes a superpower rivalry, one in which America is purportedly in danger of losing due to falling education standards and research focus. But as STRATFOR analyst Peter Zeihan points out in this video, Sputnik was actually a major overreaction. (more...)

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