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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Turning the tide: Taking competition out of school reform

Turning the tide: Taking competition out of school reform

  • 02-11-2011
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Blog by Maurice Elias/Edutopia

The overall education policy and even more strongly, in my home state of New Jersey, encourages the development of charter schools. Often, support for charter schools is framed in the context of competition being good for education, as it is in business. It is difficult for me to understand why we want, need, or should tolerate competition for a public function such as education. We don't have competition for police and fire services. These are required to be uniformly excellent and equitable. They are not always, but when they are not, they must be improved directly, not by siphoning funds for alternatives. Parents should not have to take children out of public schools to put them into what are, in essence, experiments in education -- charter schools. We have a department of education in every state that should be responsible for upholding every child's right to a free, appropriate public education. (more...)

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