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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Ultimatum to IBM on data system

Ultimatum to IBM on data system

  • 02-15-2011
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Blog by John Fensterwald/Educated Guess


In an escalation of tensions, the state Department of Education has notified the vendor of CALPADS, the troubled statewide student data system, that it faces a termination of the contract for “substandard” work and a failure to meet deadlines. The Department is giving IBM 15 days to present a plan detailing how it will fix existing problems, avoid future contract violations, and quickly complete the project. Richard Zeiger, the new Chief Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction, wrote the bluntly worded letter to an IBM vice president on Feb. 11. He concluded by saying, “CDE reserves all its rights, including, without limitation, the right to reject the corrective action plan at its sole discretion and terminate for default.” The letter signals that  state Superintendent Tom Torlakson plans to aggressively press IBM to deliver a project that is more than a year late. (more...)

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