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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 What’s holding up for-profit schools regulation?

What’s holding up for-profit schools regulation?

  • 02-02-2011
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By Julianne Hing/ColorLines

What’s holding up for-profit schools regulation? Easy. The for-profit schools themselves, who’ve used their considerable lobbying power and behind-the-scenes political pull to water down the most controversial regulation. The higher education world is still waiting for the “gainful employment” regulation, which could make for-profit schools ineligible to access their students’ federal student aid if they sent students off with too much debt they were unable to pay. The rest of the regulations were delivered last October, but folks are still waiting on the last “gainful employment” rule to be released. It of course doesn’t hurt that they’ve got powerful allies in Congress, like newly appointed chair of the House Higher Education Subcommittee Rep. Virginia Foxx, who last week reiterated her concerns about the gainful employment regulation of for-profit schools. (more...)

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