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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Where did the kids with disabilities go?

Where did the kids with disabilities go?

  • 02-28-2011
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Blog by Emily Alpert/Voice of San Diego

Students with disabilities have dwindled in San Diego Unified. But nobody is exactly sure why. School district officials counted nearly 1,600 fewer special education students this December than three years ago. That adds up to a 9.5 percent drop over the same time that overall enrollment fell only 1 percent. Educators are still puzzling over why the numbers fell. Special education has waxed and waned over the years, but the numbers fell more steeply this year than enrollment, continuing a steady trend. While a few hundred of those students were in charter schools that split away from San Diego Unified to seek special education services elsewhere, they make up only a little of the drop. Nor is it the result of recategorizing students: Fewer kids exit special education than in the past. (more...)

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