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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Wis. Assembly passes bill taking away union rights, sends measure to Senate

Wis. Assembly passes bill taking away union rights, sends measure to Senate

  • 02-25-2011
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By Todd Richmond/Chicago Tribune

Republicans in the Wisconsin Assembly took the first significant action on their plan to strip collective bargaining rights from most public workers, abruptly passing the measure early Friday morning before sleep-deprived Democrats realized what was happening. The vote ended three straight days of punishing debate in the Assembly. But the political standoff over the bill — and the monumental protests at the state Capitol against it — appear far from over. The Assembly's vote sent the bill on to the Senate, but minority Democrats in that house have fled to Illinois to prevent a vote. No one knows when they will return from hiding. Republicans who control the chamber sent state troopers out looking for them at their homes on Thursday, but they turned up nothing. (more...)

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