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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 February 2011 Young people need hope to thrive in school, beyond

Young people need hope to thrive in school, beyond

  • 02-14-2011
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Opinion by Bruce Fuller/San Francisco Chronicle

Bruce Fuller is a professor of education and public policy at UC Berkeley.

Rising stock prices signal upbeat expectations - echoed by employers and consumers - that the economy is finally bouncing back, Federal Reserve Chief Ben Bernanke says. California's young people aren't so sure. Three in 5 of them, age 16 to 22, now express sharp worries about finding a job or working long hours to pay for college, according to an eye-opening poll out last week. No civilization thrives when the next generation lacks optimism and chutzpah. So we must all listen up. Two-fifths of young Californians say that unrelenting state budget cuts are damaging their schools and colleges, jeopardizing their ability to get ahead. The resulting alienation, as millions of young people disengage, will erode productivity and fray our moral fiber - unless civic and business leaders take note and respond. (more…)

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