Blame the Teacher!
Blog by John Merrow/Huffington Post
Teacher bashing is all the rage these days, unfortunately. Teachers are leaving the profession, and I am hearing from teachers I trust that the exodus would be greater if the economy were better. While I think that aspects of the profession ought to be criticized, particularly the 'trade union' mentality of some -- but not all -- union leaders, the bashing is way out of line. I write about this in my forthcoming book, The Influence of Teachers, and wrote about it last week on my blog, Taking Note. In that post, I simply presented a litany of complaints from one veteran teacher, a woman I know to be dedicated to her students and the profession. The rules at The Huffington Post prevent me from posting it here anonymously, so I will summarize her complaints and then go from there to my own thoughts about what's behind the bashing. (more…)