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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Brown proposes big cuts to higher education

Brown proposes big cuts to higher education

  • 01-11-2011
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By Matt Krupnick/Contra Costa Times

California's colleges and universities face a combined $1.4 billion in cuts in the next budget year under a proposal laid out Monday by Gov. Jerry Brown. The University of California and California State University systems would receive $500 million less apiece from the state in 2011-12, obliterating gains made in this year's budget. And the state would cut $400 million from California's 112 community colleges, although a proposed fee hike would make up for $110 million of that. Statewide education leaders reacted to the news with anger and disappointment. Cal State Chancellor Charles Reed said the 23-campus system would likely limit enrollment next year, and UC President Mark Yudof noted that 2011 could be the first year tuition comprises a larger portion of the university's budget than state funds. "This is a sad day for California," Yudof said in a written statement. "The crossing of this threshold transcends mere symbolism and should be profoundly disturbing to all Californians." Reed criticized the budget proposal, saying, "Higher education is the state's main economic driver, and we cannot improve our economy without an educated workforce." Brown also proposed a 38-percent fee hike -- from $26 per unit to $36 -- at the community colleges, although he acknowledged that financial aid would cover the added cost for nearly half the 2.8 million or so students. (more…)

Also: California Watch

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