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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 California's higher education in line for big budget hit under Brown's proposals

California's higher education in line for big budget hit under Brown's proposals

  • 01-12-2011
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By Laurel Rosenhall/Sacramento Bee

While last budget season, California's public universities were the only major area of government to see an increase in state funding, higher education is now in line to take a big hit – 16 percent if Gov. Jerry Brown's budget proposal comes to pass. Brown on Monday proposed cutting $500 million each from the University of California and the California State University systems and another $400 million from community colleges. The announcement came as no surprise to college leaders, who say the newly elected governor told them last month to brace for reductions. Brown's proposal marks the starting point for months of negotiations. But it's already clear that the impact of any cuts on students, parents and college employees will vary among the three segments of California's higher education system. (more…)

Also: Los Angeles Times, California Watch

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