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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Chino Valley board to consider steep budget cuts tonight

Chino Valley board to consider steep budget cuts tonight

  • 01-06-2011
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By Neil Nisperos/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

Chino Valley Unified board members will be asked tonight to make $12.5 million in cuts to deal with its dire budget situation. The proposed cuts include the elimination of clerical positions, school counselors, nurses as well as the elementary school music program and school transportation. Work-year reductions for district directors and coordinators, occupational therapists, psychologists and program specialists will also be considered. Superintendent Wayne Joseph made the recommendations to the school board on Tuesday at a budget study session at the district offices in Chino. Chino Valley Unified faces a potential $31.5 million deficit over the next two years. "There are people associated with these positions," Joseph said. "These are people I have to look at in the face. So these are not anonymous numbers. These are not anonymous positions. This is where the hurt starts." An additional $16 million in potential cuts, including negotiable items, will be identified at the district's Jan. 16 budget study session. (more…)

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