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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Christie says 23 schools get charters

Christie says 23 schools get charters

  • 01-19-2011
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By Winnie Hu/New York Times

Following through on his promise for more charter schools, Gov. Chris Christie announced Tuesday the approval of 23 new charter schools across New Jersey, including ones with single-sex classes or an emphasis on online learning or character-building. Seventeen of the new schools, as well as seven previously approved, are scheduled to open in September, bringing the number of charter schools operating in the state next fall to 97, from 73. The other six schools announced by the governor are expected to open in 2012. “We cannot ask children and families that have been relegated to failing public schools to wait any longer for relief while their hope is stolen away,” Mr. Christie said. Mr. Christie, a Republican, also proposed changes in the state’s charter law that would allow local school boards to authorize charter schools, streamline the application process, allow more flexibility for charter school operations and encourage “new and innovative types of charters.” (more…)

Also: NPR

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