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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Educators push critical thinking

Educators push critical thinking

  • 01-14-2011
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By Adolfo Guzman-Lopez/KPCC

Public school leaders and elected officials are set to meet at Fullerton College this evening to propose far-reaching reforms to the way students learn in the state. Educators say federal education requirements have pushed schools to increase test scores at the expense of critical thinking skills that help students understand the real world application of learning. Michelle Herczog of the Los Angeles County Office of Education is part of a group of Southland school administrators proposing to have the state direct schools to emphasize this type of learning in their current curricula. "We think that if we can get back to more of a well rounded approach that emphasizes critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, collaboration, within content areas and across content areas, we will better prepare kids for the 21st century," Herczog said. The push, she added, will require action by Sacramento lawmakers and the state Board of Education. The biggest challenge in this economic climate, she says, is to make the change without spending a lot to do it. (more…)

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