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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 ESCONDIDO: EUSD to study racial voting trends in district

ESCONDIDO: EUSD to study racial voting trends in district

  • 01-14-2011
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By Gary Warth/North County Times

Trustees in the Escondido Union School District voted Thursday to commission a study that could lead to a dramatic change in how board members are elected. Noting that some state school districts have been sued for not following the California Voting Rights Act of 2001, EUSD Superintendent Jennifer Walters recommend the board hire a demographer to analyze voting data within the city of Escondido, a study expected to cost between $27,000 and $35,000. The study would use voting patterns and racial demographics in a formula to detect racial polarization in election. If a trend is found, the district could change from at-large elections to area elections, meaning candidates would be elected by residents who live in areas within the district rather than by voters throughout the entire district. The change could take place as early as the 2012 elections. Trustees unanimously agreed to the study, but had plenty of questions. (more…)

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