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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Former lawmaker won't support changing 'parent trigger' law

Former lawmaker won't support changing 'parent trigger' law

  • 01-13-2011
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By Louis Freedberg/California Watch

Former state Sen. Gloria Romero, the author of a controversial law that allows parents to force major changes in their children's school, said she won't support amending the law to make the process more open, despite a roiling controversy over use of the law in Compton. "If transparency means giving time for parents to be intimidated, threatened and deported, that is not transparency to me," Romero said in an interview with California Watch. "I strongly support the parent trigger law as it was introduced (in the Legislature), and it is operating in the way it was intended." Romero recently accepted a position as the first California director for Democrats for Education Reform.  The "parent trigger" law was passed last year when Romero was chairwoman of the Senate Committee on Education. The law allows a majority of parents at a school (and "feeder" schools that students in earlier grades attend) to trigger a major restructuring of a school, including turning it into a charter school. The State Board of Education, now dominated by Gov. Brown appointees who were sworn in yesterday, has postponed enacting final regulations for implementation of the law. (more…)

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