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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 How technology will and won't change schools by 2020

How technology will and won't change schools by 2020

  • 01-05-2011
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Guest blog by Larry Cuban/Washington Post

I just read a list of high-tech tools that have become obsolete in the past decade (e.g., floppies, fax machines). I used many of these myself and remember junking them, saying to myself: Hey, these were highly touted, I bought the second- or third-generation version and now I am dumping them (of course, in an ecologically correct manner). Still the number of high-tech machines and applications that hit their expiration date so quickly stunned me. Then I read another list of high-tech predictions for 2020 that was equally entertaining about the future of schools, well, not schools as we know them in December 2010. This list posted by a high-tech enthusiast who yearns for a paperless society and totally customized instruction with smaller, greener schools tickled me because while I do agree with some of the items, others are, well, dreams. I have been reading such lists (here and here) for years with high-tech devices having different names but a glorious future just around the corner.  In 2009, I posted my predictions for high-tech in schools in 2020. Here is, in part, what I said then: (more…)

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