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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Judge OKs settlement that limits use of seniority in L.A. teacher layoffs

Judge OKs settlement that limits use of seniority in L.A. teacher layoffs

  • 01-24-2011
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By Jason Felch and Jason Song/Los Angeles Times

In a case that pits the constitutional rights of students against the job protections of teachers, a Los Angeles County Superior Court judge approved a groundbreaking settlement Friday that limits the effect of layoffs on the district's most vulnerable students. Up to 45 Los Angeles Unified School District campuses will be shielded from teacher layoffs altogether, Judge William F. Highberger ordered Friday, and layoffs in the district's other 750 schools must be spread more equitably. That could lead some experienced teachers to lose their jobs. The decision comes amid deep education cuts and a debate over teacher tenure rules, which are being challenged across the country. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie recently called for the end of tenure, as have leaders in Florida, Idaho, Wyoming and elsewhere. (more…)

Also: Boston Globe

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