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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Many see influence of teachers union in Gov. Jerry Brown's shakeup of California Board of Education

Many see influence of teachers union in Gov. Jerry Brown's shakeup of California Board of Education

  • 01-10-2011
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By Seema Mehta/Los Angeles Times

In one of Gov. Jerry Brown's first official acts this week, he sacked the majority of the state Board of Education, replacing several vocal proponents of charter schools, parent empowerment and teacher accountability. A broad range of educators, policy makers and others say the move was widely believed to be the handiwork of the California Teachers Assn., which heavily supported Brown in his gubernatorial campaign. The union's support will be vital if he, as expected, places measures on the June ballot to temporarily raise taxes to ease the state's budget deficit. It also appears to delay a key vote about parents' power to reshape failing schools — an effort opposed by the union — leading to strong criticism of the governor from fellow Democrats. (more…)

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