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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 NCLB's 9th anniversary: 'Will there be anything we will need to remember after the test?'

NCLB's 9th anniversary: 'Will there be anything we will need to remember after the test?'

  • 01-06-2011
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Guest blog by Dennis Van Roekel/Washington Post

Nine years ago this week President George Bush signed into law the No Child Left Behind Act that: A. Stunted the creativity and critical thinking skills of American public school children B. Prevented teachers from tapping into the full potential of their students C. Fostered a school environment that values test-taking skills above all others D. Stole the joy from teaching and learning E. All of the above. Much has been said and written about NCLB since then, but nothing sums up its impact on public education as well as a story from a middle school in California. Early in the school year, as a teacher was explaining what material would be covered in class, a student raised his hand and asked, “Will there be anything we will need to remember after the test?” The intent behind NCLB was to close achievement gaps between disadvantaged and minority students and their peers.The 2009 National Assessment of Educational Progress showed that those gaps have not been narrowed. (more…)

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