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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 New federal law makes interns qualified to teach

New federal law makes interns qualified to teach

  • 01-04-2011
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Bob Egelko/San Francisco Chronicle

Thousands of teachers in training in California will keep their "highly qualified" instructor labels and can be regularly assigned to low-income and minority areas, following Congress' last-minute approval of legislation that was supported by a Bay Area lawmaker and the Obama administration. Passed in the final days of Congress' lame-duck session, the legislation nullifies a recent ruling by an appeals court in San Francisco that said federal law reserved the status of highly qualified teacher for those who hold state credentials. The ruling, which had not yet taken effect, would have required schools to notify parents whenever interns were teaching their children, and would have ended the practice of filling a district's most-demanding jobs with its least-experienced instructors. Opponents - poor families in Richmond, Hayward and Los Angeles - who brought the case to the San Francisco court, and advocacy organizations that supported them - are indignant about what lawmakers did and how they did it. (more…)

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