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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 New groups poised to change state education landscape

New groups poised to change state education landscape

  • 01-25-2011
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By Louis Freedberg/California Watch

As schools in California brace for another difficult year, new forces have emerged that are poised to reshape the education landscape in California.  In recent months, most attention has focused on traditional power centers of educational politics in California, including the governor, the State Board of Education, local school boards, and teachers' unions. But the appearance of new players, some with substantial financial backing, has added an element of unpredictability to the mix. Most prominent is StudentsFirst, the new organization formed last month by Washington, D.C.'s controversial ex-schools chief Michelle Rhee. She has not yet spelled out her plans for California, but she is engaged to Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson, who announced last week during his State of the City address that the organization will be headquartered in Sacramento. (more…)

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