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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Obama aims to revise No Child Left Behind

Obama aims to revise No Child Left Behind

  • 01-12-2011
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By Nick Anderson/Washington Post

President Obama will mount a fresh attempt this year to rewrite the No Child Left Behind education law, a top administration official said this week, and key congressional Republicans said they are ready to deal. "The president is ready to move on this," Education Secretary Arne Duncan told The Washington Post. Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.), chairman of a subcommittee on elementary and secondary education, said there is bipartisan consensus that the 2002 law should be overhauled. "We have a lot of common ground," Hunter said. "We also see a major need. It's time to get it done." Common ground might be scarce on other domestic issues as Obama heads into a reelection campaign and Republicans confront him with their new House majority. (more…)

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