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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Proposition 13 had long lasting impact on schools

Proposition 13 had long lasting impact on schools

  • 01-11-2011
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Debbie Pfeiffer Trunnell/Inland Valley Daily Bulletin

When voters approved Proposition 13 back in 1978, they drastically reduced the property taxes that were used to fund schools and local governments.  That loss set the stage for California school districts to become dependent on the state and its general fund. Some officials say that's a big part of why school districts are making budget cuts now.  "I understand why Proposition 13 was passed," said Lisa Lindberg, president of the Rialto Education Association. "But all these years later we are still feeling repercussions."  Proposition 13, which lowered and capped property tax rates, is again in the headlines after Gov. Jerry Brown said last week the state could have done a better job of handling the loss of revenue caused by the measure.  Many local government responsibilities were centralized in Sacramento after Prop. 13 passed, said Brown, who was governor when voters approved the measure. Brown last week discussed plans to return to counties and cities many of the functions Sacramento took over.  But it's not clear how - if at all - that plan would affect school districts. (more…)

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