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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Race to Top winners get guidance on plan alterations

Race to Top winners get guidance on plan alterations

  • 01-10-2011
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By Sean Cavanagh/Education Week

The Obama administration has released guidance meant to spell out what kinds of amendments it will accept to plans submitted by states that won a share of $4 billion in grants under the federal Race to the Top competition—and the types of changes that would put the awardees’ funding at risk. In documents sent to governors and other state officials late last week, U.S. Department of Education officials explained that amendments to plans must be “consistent with the underlying principles,” of the high-profile competition, in which 11 states and the District of Columbia won grants of up to $700 million. Those core principles include sticking to academic targets and maintaining a level of support from teachers’ unions and state boards of education sufficient to ensure that their plans can be carried out. (more…)

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