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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Revisiting the most popular stories of 2010

Revisiting the most popular stories of 2010

  • 01-03-2011
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By The Editors/Education Week

As educators look ahead to the challenges of 2011, it’s worth noting what schools were grappling with in 2010 because many of those issues will continue to make headlines in the months ahead. To give a sense of what was high on readers’ priority lists, compiled a list of the top 20 most popular Education Week articles and commentaries of 2010 as shown by number of online page views as of Dec. 29. An overview of the 50-state “report card” in Education Week’s 14th annual Quality Counts issue tops the list, followed by a story on the release of the first public draft of grade-by-grade common-core standards. Reading strategies, response to intervention, federal grants for education innovation, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and teacher pay and evaluation issues are among the other topics making the list. Take a look at what other readers saw as the most interesting stories of the year, and catch up on news you may have missed in 2010. (more…)

Also: Huffington Post, Voice of San Diego, San Francisco Chronicle, Huffington Post

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