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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 School Beat: Imagining A New Funding Framework for Schools

School Beat: Imagining A New Funding Framework for Schools

  • 01-28-2011
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Opinion by Lisa Schiff/Beyond Chron

Lisa Schiff is a member of Parents for Public Schools of San Francisco and the PTA and is a board member at the national level of Parents for Public Schools.

President Obama’s State of the Union speech Tuesday night promised a continuation of flawed education strategies while ignoring the need for truly transformative actions. Reaffirming his support for the exclusionary and unfair approach of competitive grants as embodied in the Race To The Top (RTTT) program, Obama once again sidestepped the most fundamental challenges our students and their schools are facing – increasing child poverty across the nation and chronic underfunding of education in almost all states. If our children are to have a new and better educational future, one that lays the foundation for living a full engaged-life, thus benefitting all of us, then addressing poverty and school finance must be the first priorities of elected officials and educational leaders, beginning with the White House and Congress. (more...)

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