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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 School breakfasts move from cafeteria to classroom

School breakfasts move from cafeteria to classroom

  • 01-20-2011
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By Michelle D. Anderson/Education Week

In an effort to increase participation in school breakfast programs and nurture academic success, a new initiative is moving meals from the cafeteria to an educational environment students know best: the classroom. Four organizations collectively known as Partners For Breakfast in the Classroom recently launched a $3 million initiative funded by Walmart Foundation of Bentonville, Ark., that deviates from traditional school breakfast programs that often require students to arrive to school early, before the first class of the day begins. The program’s Jan. 13 debut coincided with the release of a report, “School Breakfast in America’s Big Cities,”Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader by the Food Research and Action Center, a Washington-based health-advocacy group that also partners in the new program. (more…)

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