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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 SUSD prepares for deep cutbacks, pink slips

SUSD prepares for deep cutbacks, pink slips

  • 01-12-2011
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By Roger Phillips/Stockton Record

Though Gov. Jerry Brown proposed a budget Monday that leaves K-12 funding largely untouched, Stockton Unified nonetheless will continue preparing for hard times. Pink-slipping school administrators appears to be a first step. During Tuesday night's board meeting, Chief Financial Officer Jason Willis said the district must continue to prepare for the possibility of drastic cuts. The reason: Brown is depending on the extension of taxes as a means to avoid education cuts. And it won't be known until June whether those taxes will be extended. "The governor is really offering a choice to the public: Extend taxes and keep education from taking more cuts, or deny the extension and don't fund education," Willis said. The district must continue to work to find about $25 million in cuts, he said, and a failure to do so would potentially result in cuts of $55 million in 2012-13. (more…)

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