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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 The New Republic: The U.S. could learn from Finland

The New Republic: The U.S. could learn from Finland

  • 01-28-2011
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Opinion by Samuel E. Abrams/NPR

Samuel E. Abrams is a visiting scholar at Teachers College, Columbia University, and he is writing a book on school reform.

While observing recess outside the Kallahti Comprehensive School on the eastern edge of Helsinki on a chilly day in April 2009, I asked Principal Timo Heikkinen if students go out when it's very cold. Heikkinen said they do. I then asked Heikkinen if they go out when it's very, very cold. Heikkinen smiled and said, "If minus 15 [Celsius] and windy, maybe not, but otherwise, yes. The children can't learn if they don't play. The children must play." In comparison to the United States and many other industrialized nations, the Finns have implemented a radically different model of educational reform — based on a balanced curriculum and professionalization, not testing. Not only do Finnish educational authorities provide students with far more recess than their U.S. counterparts — 75 minutes a day in Finnish elementary schools versus an average of 27 minutes in the U.S. — but they also mandate lots of arts and crafts, more learning by doing, rigorous standards for teacher certification, higher teacher pay, and attractive working conditions. (more…)

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