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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 The parent trigger

The parent trigger

  • 01-07-2011
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By Emily Alpert /Voice of San Diego

A new law called the parent trigger lets parents force major changes in struggling schools if more than half of them sign a petition. That can range from turning to school into a charter to replacing the principal to making smaller, less explosive changes. It can even mean shutting it down.   In my story about Point Loma parents seeking more autonomy, I mentioned the parent trigger as a possible option. But is it a good idea? I talked to a few people — including professors and labor leaders — who have been eyeing the new law. • John Rogers, director of the Institute for Democracy, Education and Access at UCLA, said it's great when parents get involved. But he was skeptical that altering the structure of a school will solve problems while budgets are being slashed. He also argued that focusing on governance — who runs schools and how — obscures the importance of what is taught and how. "There is no way to move forward on any reform that costs money, so it's very attractive to have initiatives that move around the chairs on the deck with the appearance of no cost," Rogers said. "I think there are times when it's critical to rethink who is in charge of schools. ... But I don't think this is one of those times. There are some far more fundamental concerns that need to be addressed: resources." (more…)

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