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You are here: Home Newsroom Education News Roundup Archive 2011 January 2011 Tiered RI diploma plan discriminatory, critics say

Tiered RI diploma plan discriminatory, critics say

  • 01-25-2011
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Boston Globe

A coalition of groups including the local chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and disability and minority advocates joined yesterday to object to a plan to institute a tiered high school diploma system in the state, saying it would create a “caste system’’ in public schools. The Board of Regents for Elementary and Secondary Education has proposed that each student who graduates from a public high school starting next year would receive one of three diplomas, depending in part on how well he or she does in junior year on a standardized test, the New England Common Assessment Program. A student who scores “highly proficient’’ on the test and fulfills other requirements with distinction would receive an “Honors’’ diploma. One who scores “proficient’’ would receive a “Regents’’ diploma, and one who scores “partially proficient’’ would receive a “Rhode Island’’ diploma. A student who does not pass the test could take it again and receive a “Rhode Island’’ diploma if he or she improves. If the student does not improve but meets other graduation requirements, he or she could receive a certificate. (more…)

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